The tournament is open to USYS and USCS competitive teams including tournament-only teams.
Teams will be placed in brackets at the discretion of the tournament director with the intention of placing them with teams at a similar skill level. Consideration will be given to the coach’s suggestions for placement.
Registration fees are $350 for 9U-10U; $400 for 11U-12U; and $500 for 13U-17U.
Lucy Winton Bell soccer fields at 15601 Hudson Road S., Lakeland, MN.
Hudson Soccer Complex at 541 County Road UU, Hudson WI 54016.
9U & 10U
Heading is not permitted and shall be penalized with an indirect free kick to the opposing team
Build out lines will be enforced at 9U-10U.
Standings are not kept.
Scores will not be posted.
No play-off rounds.
No champions declared.
Participation awards will be presented to all 9U-10U players.
Heading is not permitted at 11U and shall be penalized with an indirect free kick to the opposing team
Teams may not play down an age level from their league play even if all players are age-eligible.
Standings and results to be posted at the tournament headquarters tent, on the brackets page www.bordercupsoccer.org/brackets
Individual medals will be given to 1st and 2nd place winners.
15u through 19u
Heading is not permitted at 11U and shall be penalized with an indirect free kick to the opposing team
Teams may not play down an age level from their league play even if all players are age-eligible.
Standings and results to be posted at the tournament headquarters tent, on the brackets page www.bordercupsoccer.org/brackets
Showcase format. No championship games
The Border Cup is scheduled for the weekend of
October 14-16, 2022​
Each team will be scheduled to play a minimum of 3 games total, but not more than 2 games in one day.
Each game will be played under FIFA rules as modified by MYSA, WYSA & TCSL and as further modified in this document.
Teams must immediately reschedule league games that potentially conflict with the tournament games.
9U-10U games will have two 25 minute halves.
11U-12U games will have two 30 minute halves.
13U-14U games will have two 35 minute halves.
15U-19U games will have two 40 minute halves.
​All teams will play three games.
Groups with 4 teams – one pool will be created; teams will play three games, First and Second place winners will be determined on points (no championship game).
​All other groups - teams will play three games each, top two teams determined by points will advance to finals.
Showcase format. No scores or standings are kept. No awards given.​
Age groups or competition levels may be consolidated to optimize brackets at tournament director’s discretion.
Games for groups not mentioned above will be scheduled at the discretion of the tournament director.
check-in procedure
Online check-in at GotSport.com website.
Check-in must be complete one week prior to the event.
The following items are needed for check in:
Copy of tournament photo roster or laminated passes for referee before each game.
Out of state US Youth Soccer teams to upload proof of permission to travel from their state association, to the GotSport website, in PDF format.
All teams to upload to the GotSport website, in PDF format, the following: -
Medical release forms for each player PDF.
Photo roster.
Player passes.
9U-10U teams – 7v7 rosters up to a maximum of 14 players allowed.
11U-12U teams – 9v9 rosters up to a maximum of 16 players allowed.
13U-15U teams – rosters up to a maximum of 18 players allowed.
16U-19U teams – rosters up to a maximum of 22 players allowed (only 18 can dress for one game).
Each player will be allowed to play on only one team during the tournament. (Unless the tournament director grants prior approval)
No pass, no play, no exception.
Guest players are allowed from within the same club. Eligible guest players are registered within the same age group or younger. A maximum of 6 guest players per team is allowed and they are to be so designated on the roster.​
The home team on schedule wears Dark.
The home team must change jersey color if the referee(s) determine there is a color conflict
Games ending in ties will remain ties in preliminary rounds.
To determine which teams will advance from pool play to a championship round, the following procedures will be used in sequence:
Highest number of points; 10 points maximum per game.
Win = 6 points.
Tie = 3 points.
1 point for each goal, maximum of three per game.
1 point for a shutout (example: 0-0 ties equals 4 points).
Winner of head to head competition; does not apply if more than two teams are tied.
Winner of most games.
Goal differential; goals scored minus goals against, up to a maximum differential of 3 goals per game.
Fewest goals allowed.
Kicks from the penalty mark following the procedures in USSF Laws of the Game. The time and location will be determined by the tournament director with consideration given to the schedules of the tied teams.
A forfeiture in play will result in a 3-0 score and 10 points for the winner.
Elimination round and Championship games that cannot end in a tie:
Determined by sudden-death overtime play consisting of two 5-minute periods.
In between, teams will switch goals with no intermission.
If the game is still tied at the end of the two 5- minute overtime periods, it will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark beginning with a best-of-five series of alternating kicks, then sudden-death rounds of kicks.
If necessary, the referee or Tournament Director may move the shootout to an alternate location or time
A three-person system will be used for 11U-19U play. A one-person system is allowed for 9U-10U play. Only USSF certified and registered referees will be used for center referees, substitute line judges may be used as necessary. All referee decisions are final and no protests are allowed.
Red cards issued during the tournament will follow MYSA, WYSA & TCSL policies and rules with the addition of a loss of a game point for that player’s team. The player will be ejected and the team will play short-sided for the remainder of the game.
The conduct of pass carrying adults (coaches and managers) during the tournament will follow WYSA & TCSL policies and rules, with misconduct potentially resulting in a referee requesting that the individual(s) leave the vicinity of the field before the play continues, exclusion from the premises, retention of pass by tournament officials for reporting purposes, and further disciplinary action through the MYSA, WYSA & TCSL.
Misconduct by spectators may result in the individual(s) being asked to leave the field of play, exclusion from the grounds, and may also be reported to the MYSA, WYSA & TCSL for additional review or sanctions.
All weather situations will follow MYSA, WYSA & TCSL weather policy.
Tournament officials reserve the right to shorten and/or cancel games as necessary, if lightning or weather poses a danger to participants, spectators and officials.
If games are stopped and cannot be restarted, score at stoppage point will be the final score.
Games unable to start because of weather will be scored as 0-0 ties.
In case of medical emergency, tournament officials will implement a medical response as necessary.
It is each team’s responsibility to provide water, ice and basic first aid to their players.​
Fee refunds are solely at the discretion of the Tournament Committee.
No refunds will be made to teams who withdraw from the tournament after being accepted​
Tournament officials and all participating adult team affiliates will abide by the SCSC and MYSA, WYSA & TCSL Concussion Policies in accordance with Minnesota State Law as follows:
This tournament, held by the St. Croix Soccer Club and Western Wisconsin and sanctioned by US Club Soccer, requires compliance with Minnesota Statute 121A.37 and Wisconsin Statue 118.293 in accordance with the SCSC and US Club Soccer Concussion Policies.
All participating coaches and referees are required to take concussion training. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a free online course entitled Concussion Training for Coaches (and referees), accessible by the following link: https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/youthsports/training/index.html
US Club Soccer policies are available at: https://www.usclubsoccer.org/head-injuries
Minnesota statute are available here - Policy
Wisconsin statute are available here - Policy
The Tournament Headquarters will be at Lucy Winton Bell Soccer Fields and Hudson Soccer Complex
Tournament Director: Donna Luttinen
tournament@stcroixsoccer.org |
5525 Memorial Ave N, Suite 6
Oak Park Heights, MN 55082
No Alcoholic Beverages
No Tobacco products